
Dotfiles (part 1)

Lots of people put their dotfiles online. See:

… and others?

My problem with this is those files are yours and not mine - it takes me more thought process to figure out whether I want a feature that you’re happy with than it does for me to write my own. So, I don’t use these services - yes, I’ve put my dotfiles on Github and because they’re always in flux and I like having clean commits, they’re ~2 years old by now. However, this needs to be documented somewhere - I’ve got massive zsh/vim/tmux/etc config files that people always ask me “where do I download that from” and I answer “you don’t, it’s this function here”. So here I’m starting to document what I have and the use.

So, without further adieu;

The simplest thing I do is sdig (which can give similar output as host but then I can add more options):

sdig () {
  dig "$@" +short

That’s it. It means, don’t fill up my screan with tons of stuff I don’t care about.

Next, a similar idea for whois - I don’t care about most of that output:

whoism () {
  whois "$1" | egrep '^(inetnum|netname|descr|address|CIDR|OrgName|OrgId|Address|City|StateProv|PostalCode|[Cc]ountry|inetrev|owner(id)?|responsible|nserver):'

Keep in mind this is incomplete - there are lots of whois databases and I haven’t been thorough with this but it’s a start.

Now, we need one more utility which tries to find the AS information for an address and return data. Since I don’t warehouse this data, I just go out to Team CYRMU and returns what I want (kinda). I wrote a simple perl script that uses their DNS api and can work with lots of IP addresses. Which is:

Ok, so once this is installed, we can put all of these together and get a bit of info on an IP (and sometimes things differ between lookup types):

iplook () {

  dig -x "$inip" +short
  geocidr --ip "$inip"
  whoism "$inip"

Lastly, a few things that are simple enough to put into aliases:

alias torexit=”curl”

Because sometimes I’m curious if someone wants not to be tracked.

alias torcurl=”curl –socks5”

Because sometimes I want to grab something and not be tracked :)

(Note: this does not hide DNS)

alias cidr=’geocidr –header –ip ‘

The most obvious use for my geocidr script (because I haven’t gotten around to committing more sane defaults).

alias uridec=”perl -MURI::Escape -nle ‘print uri_unescape($_)’”

Ever see a url that looks encoded (not base64 - just url encoded) well I just:

echo “url” | uridec

And see what it says

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