
Adventures in QubesOS (part 1)

Qubes Install

I’m mainly writing this so that I don’t forget. The installer for Redhat/Fedora/Qubes (Anaconda) doesn’t do well when you try to do an unusual partition scheme. How unusual? Lets go with:

  • mdadm raid for everything
  • luks encrypted root and swap
  • provision an efi secure boot partition (Qubes doesn’t currently support this)
  • use 4x 3TB disks

Shouldn’t be that hard, right? Debian’s installer handles this pretty well after all. If installing Redhat/Fedora, you need to boot into rescue mode and get to a shell. If installing Qubes, use a Fedora disk to do the above.

So, what we want is:

  • A bootloader partition on all disks (installer will complain if you don’t have this on a GPT disk - I’m assuming this vs MBR)
  • Secure boot partition on all disks (shouldn’t change much, so re-syncing data around shouldn’t be a big deal)
  • Boot partition (raid1)
  • LUKS partition (raid5)

Inside LUKS:

  • LVM with:
    • swap
    • root

Lets begin:

 # gdisk /dev/sda
 Go into expert mode (x) and set the start block to 34 and exit expert mode (m)
 Create the boot loader partition: n, start is 34 end is 2047, type is EF02 [1]
 Create the EFI partition: n, default start, give it a hundred megs or so (EFI images can't be >40M - I did ~128M), type is EF00
 Create the raid boot partition: n, default start, and give it 500-1024M, type FD00
 Create user space partition: n, default start, to the end of the disk, type FD00
 (There's a sort (s) option if you did these out of order and want the partition number relative to where it is physically on the disk)
 Write the data: w

Note: this is documented more 1

Backup and copy the partition table:

 # sgdisk --backup=table /dev/sda
 # for i in b c d; do sgdisk --load-backup=table /dev/sd$i ; done

I then went back in to gdisk for each of the disks and changed the EFI partition’s name (#2 for me) to “ESB " as I figured when using efibootmgr's -L, a common name might confuse things (or just error). Maybe I'm wrong - I don't know yet. [2]

Note: I don’t believe that creating the filesystem is required here as the installer wants to do that part for you, but I like to do it anyway.

Create the EFI filesystem:

# for i in a b c d; do mkfs.vfat “/dev/sd${i}2” ; done

Create the /boot raid1 and filesystem 2:

# mdadm –create /dev/md0 –level=1 –raid-devices=4 –metadata=0.9 /dev/sd[abcd]3

Notice the number for “raid-devices” and “abcd” if you have more or fewer disks. This shouldn’t take very long as long as you were sane with the space given to /boot.

Create /boot filesystem

# mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0

Create the raid for user space 2:

# mdadm –create /dev/md1 –level=5 –raid-devices=4 /dev/sd[abcd]4

And go to sleep, go to work, go for a very long dinner, watch a Star Wars marathon: this took >5 hours on my computer. If you’re curious (keep in mind: your screen will go to sleep and setterm didn’t seem to be on the rescue disk):


# watch cat /proc/mdstat

After it is finished building your second raid device, think up a nice long password (that you won’t forget) and …

Create and open a LUKS system (no reference):

 # cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/md1
 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md1 main

Create LVM on top of that 2:

 # pvcreate /dev/mapper/main
 # vgcreate Main /dev/mapper/main
 # lvcreate -L 32G Main -n swap
 # lvcreat -L 20G Main -n dom0

Note: sizes may vary - this is what I did for Qubes (not sure I needed that much swap though). So if this is for a larger OS, 20G might not be what you want.

Create filesystems:

 # mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/dom0
 # mkswap /dev/mapper/swap

Close everything up:

 # vgchange -a n Main
 # cryptsetup luksClose main
 # mdadm --stop /dev/md1
 # mdadm --stop /dev/md0

Reboot into the Qubes (or Redhat/Fedora) installer. Assign “0” to /boot and ESB 1 to /boot/efi. Unlock LUKS, you’ll see your two LVM volumes - assign swap to be swap space and dom0 to be /. And install.



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